Case Study | Children's Hospital Uses Telehealth To Care for Patients in Their Homes

Summary: Easy-to-use stethoscopes and telemedicine software take the complexity out of patient visits for Children's Hospital Colorado.
Case Study | Children's Hospital Uses Telehealth To Care for Patients in Their Homes

The Problem

Children's Hospital Colorado treats more children than any other hospital in the region, and their unparalleled care leads to outcomes that are among the best in the country. They specialize in treating everything from heart health, respiratory issues, to cancer. The hospital needs efficient virtual technology to manage care at outlining clinics and in patients' homes.

The Solution

Children's Colorado's telemedicine department uses the Eko CORE Digital Attachment because it can enable both pediatric and infant-sized stethoscopes to live stream heart and lung sounds. It's important that both stethoscopes and telemedicine software are simple to use for patient visits. Eko software allows for the telemedicine visits to be initiated with iPod Touches alongside telemedicine carts. Children's Colorado's telemedicine deployment includes:

  • Central Hospital Monitoring Clinics
  • Apple iPod Touch
  • Vidyo Video Conference
  • JedMed Horus Scope and Lenses
  • CORE Digital Stethoscope
  • Eko Telehealth Platform


The Outcome

Subspecialty clinics have successfully used the Eko CORE Digital Attachment in conjunction with the JedMed Horus scope over Vidyo Conferencing to take care of children in remote parts of the state.

"The Eko stethoscope and streaming software delivers high-quality audio that powers telemedicine initiatives requiring the highest acuity."

Gerard Frunzi
Director, Virtual Care