HIT Consultant: FDA Clears Eko's Heart Disease Detection AI for Adults & Pediatrics

Read more about Eko Murmur Analysis Software (EMAS).
Clinician listens to a man's heart with 3M™ Littmann® CORE Digital Stethoscope

VHD, a life-threatening condition, is diagnosed in more than 5 million Americans each year. However, most VHD goes undiagnosed. By combining murmur analysis AI with its digital stethoscopes, Eko has transformed the traditional stethoscope into an objective, low-cost, and scalable screening tool that can identify significant structural heart disease in seconds on the front lines of care. With the ability to detect VHD early on and with greater accuracy, Eko's technology has the potential to save millions of lives.

Read more at HIT Consultant

Please note: Murmur detection is part of Eko’s SENSORA™ Cardiac Disease Detection Platform. Contact our sales team to learn more.