Nurse Practitioner Cares for Patients in Vulnerable Times

Summary: Nurse practitioner Tammy Murawski works in hospice and palliative care settings, where hearing her patients' hearts and lungs can be difficult. Learn about her day-to-day practice and how she uses Eko's stethoscope technology to hear more clearly for enhanced patient care.
Photo of Nurse Practitioner Tammy Murawski
"Being able to capture heart tones to share with the patient and their loved ones carries so much emotional value during difficult times."  
What type of clinician are you? What specialty do you practice? 

I'm a nurse practitioner for hospice and palliative care.

Why did you choose a career in healthcare and your particular specialty?

I chose to become a nurse practitioner to make an impact on patients, and their families and caregivers.

I currently work in a hospice and palliative care setting. Although there's much stigma and aversion surrounding this specialty, there's also so much peace and care. Trying to help ease a patient's mind, along with helping their family, is what I aim to do.

What inspires you in your day-to-day practice?

I'm inspired by my patients and their loved ones, as well as other members of my team.

Which stethoscope from Eko do you have? How does it help you provide better care for your patients?

I have the 3M™ Littmann® CORE Digital Stethoscope, and I've used the CORE 500™ Digital Stethoscope.

These devices have greatly helped me hear lung and heart sounds despite not being in the ideal clinical setting — I go where the patient goes, whether they're at home, in a community living setting, etc.

My ability to auscultate is greatly enhanced in these settings. Being able to capture heart tones to share with the patient and their loved ones carries so much emotional value during difficult times.

Why do you think helping your patients with their heart health is important for them?

Having better knowledge of my patients' heart health helps them and their caregivers know what they can do to maintain comfort.

Providing clinicians like Tammy with tools to help enhance patient care is why Eko exists. Learn how our digital stethoscope technology can make a difference in your practice. 