A Calling to Care: How Technology Empowers a NICU Respiratory Therapist

Summary: Respiratory therapist Rick Rubinstein specializes in neonatal and pediatric care, giving the tiniest patients the treatment they need in the most critical situations. Discover how his unwavering dedication and heartfelt care, paired with the innovative Eko CORE™ Digital Attachment, helps him transform lives.
A Calling to Care: How Technology Empowers a NICU Respiratory Therapist
"I feel particularly gifted in this area and I consider it my calling — a type of ministry to patients and their families in time of great physical and emotional need."  
An unexpected beginning

Rick's journey into the world of respiratory therapy began in an unexpected place — the recovery room of a hospital when he was just 16. He had undergone a minor operation to remove nodules from his vocal cords and found himself in conversation with a nurse. She spoke to him about respiratory therapy, a field she described as challenging, technical, and vital. Her words sparked something in Rick, igniting a passion that would define his future.

Discovering his path

Years later, while perusing college catalogs for potential majors, Rick came across respiratory therapy. The course requirements, especially cardiopulmonary pathophysiology, captivated him. "That’s what I’m going to do," he decided. From that moment on, Rick's path was clear.

A career of compassion

Today, Rick is a dedicated respiratory therapist in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, specializing in neonatal and pediatric care. His work is more than just a career; it's a calling and a ministry to patients and their families in times of great need. Rick feels particularly gifted in his field, and his compassion drives him to offer the best care possible.

Embracing technology with Eko

One of Rick's trusted tools in his practice is the Eko CORE™ Digital Attachment. This advanced device, combined with his neonatal headpiece, has revolutionized his ability to care for his tiny patients. "It's so much easier for me to clearly hear a premie’s heartbeat during CPR," he explains. This clarity can be lifesaving, especially in critical moments.

Sharing knowledge and building trust

Rick also values the CORE™ Attachment for its ability to connect to a Bluetooth speaker, allowing him to share auscultations with students, orienteers, and even family members. This feature not only enhances education but also builds trust and establishes expertise. Despite his own hearing impairment, the amplified stethoscope has helped Rick continue his vital work, even in noisy environments like ambulances, helicopters, and Learjets.

A moment of reassurance

One of Rick's most meaningful experiences occurred in the NICU with a premie whose parents were extremely apprehensive about their baby's care, and only allowed a select few to care for their child. Rick understood their fears and immediately engaged with them. Using his Eko stethoscope connected via Bluetooth, he let the parents listen to their baby’s breath sounds, explaining the previous day's chest x-ray and demonstrating the improvement after treatment. His compassionate approach and the powerful technology of his Eko stethoscope helped reassure the parents. By the end of his shift, Rick had "made the list" of trusted caregivers, a testament to his skill and empathy.

The Eko difference

Rick's story is a profound example of how dedication, compassion, and the right tools can make a difference in patient care. At Eko we're proud to support healthcare professionals like Rick, who embody the spirit of listening and caring. Together, we strive to enhance patient outcomes and bring comfort and hope to families in their most challenging times.

Providing clinicians like Rick with tools to help enhance patient care is why Eko exists. Learn how our digital stethoscope technology can make a difference in your practice. 